Watchman Nee

Dear Pali Pres Community,

Just recently I came across some selected readings by the late Chinese pastor and author Watchman Nee. I confess I had not previously heard of Nee, even though I have come to learn that he is considered by many to be one of the great Christian leaders of the twentieth century. He led a dynamic missionary movement (known in the West as the “Little Flock”) during the 1930s and 40s, with large gatherings in places like Shanghai. Not supported by foreign missionaries, Nee continues to be an influential figure in the history of the Christian church in China.

While I cannot endorse all of Nee’s principles and practices when it comes to organized religion, I can admire his commitment to Christ and his spiritual devotion. In 1952 Watchman Nee was arrested by the Chinese government on bogus charges and was sentenced to 20 years in prison, where he eventually died.

Below is an excerpt from one of Nee’s books, “What Shall This Man Do?” which spoke to my heart. This passage is entitled, “A Threefold Provision, and One Condition Demanded.”

God has made, from His side, a threefold provision for every person in that person’s hour of crisis: Firstly, Jesus has come as the Friend of sinners; secondly, it is He personally (and no intermediary) whom we are called to meet; and thirdly, the Holy Spirit has been poured out on all flesh, to bring to pass in us the initial work of conviction of sin, repentance, and faith, and, of course, all that follows.

Then, finally, from the side of the sinner, one condition and one only is demanded. We are not required—in the first place—to believe, or to repent, or to be conscious of sin, or even to know that Christ died. We are required only to approach the Lord with an honest heart.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Matt

PS-- If you’d like to learn more about Watchman Nee and read more of his writings, I recommend visiting