Making Sense of Tragedy

Dear Pali Pres,

It seems to be happening more and more frequently—finding myself at a loss for words in response to an unfolding, tragic event in our world. The October 7 attack on Israel took place while I was on a mission trip in Mexico with very limited access to world news. It was not until I returned home, late on October 9, that I was able to catch up on all the horrific news. My heart broke as I read articles, watched videos, and saw photos of the terrorist attack. I was overwhelmed with grief as I struggled to process the brutality, hatred, and loss of life.

The situation in Israel and Gaza has only continued to escalate, and hope for a peaceful end to this conflict seems lost. Like so many people, I am frustrated, confused, sad, and angry. I struggle with wanting to do something—to say something—that, in some small way, might help make sense of things.

One thing I am certain of is that as God’s people we are encouraged to pray and communicate to God our distress and solidarity with those who are experiencing unthinkable trauma and loss. I recently discovered a prayer by the editor and publisher of the Presbyterian Outlook, Teri McDowell Ott, that has spoken to me and has helped me share with God what is on my heart right now. I offer it to you, Pali Pres family, in hopes that it will also help you share what is in your heart with the Lord as we all continue to struggle with what we are seeing and hearing.

Eternal God,

You know our history of complicated conflicts, tense polarization, and situations so politicized that we are afraid to say or pray anything. Yet we know you grieve the violence of war and condemn acts of terrorism. We know you grieve the historical suffering of Jews and Palestinians. May our prayers for peace be uttered out loud for all to hear, our prayers for diplomacy, and for difficult, yet faithful conversation to resume.

God, we groan in grief over the news of this war in Israel and Gaza. Pave a path toward peace in this age-old, tragic conflict. Protect the innocent wherever bombs of destruction fall. Be with those who are captured and the families of those who are captured. Offer a way out for those who are trapped. Awaken us to our common humanity, our common human needs, no matter the walls we build.


Yours in Christ,

Pastor Matt