Those Who Came Before Us

Dear Pali Pres,

This coming Sunday I will be devoting my sermon to the topic of saints—those who have come before us and left their mark on our lives.  I am doing this in recognition of All Saints’ Day, which is coming up on November 1.  While originally a Catholic holiday, many mainline denominations also celebrate this day as a way for us to remember those who have passed and to give thanks to God for the way they have contributed to our lives and our world.  It is good, and important, for us to not overlook the gift of the people God has placed in our lives—family members, friends, coworkers, church members, neighbors, etc.—and the lessons they have taught us.

I encourage you to start thinking now of those special people in your life that have died.  Take a minute to pull out a picture of them, or to remember the way they smiled or sang a tune, or to call to mind a favorite or humorous story involving them.  Take a moment to really think about what you most appreciated about them, or something they said or did that made you thankful and happy. 

With the hectic pace of our daily lives it is often the case that we don’t take the time we should to remember the “saints” who have come before us.  That is why I am so grateful for this yearly reminder on our church calendar.   All Saints’ Sunday is a chance for us to all, as one community, to honor those whom we miss because of the unique way they blessed us and our world.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Matt