A Warm Pali Pres Welcome to our New Members

Dear Pali Pres,

This past Sunday, Pastor Grace, Elder Cynthia Block, and I held a New Member Class for those in our church community who felt led by God to explore membership here at Pali Pres. It was a meaningful time of fellowship, sharing and hearing people’s faith stories, and delving into the ministries and history of our church. We also spent considerable time discussing what it means to be a Presbyterian and reflecting together on the PCUSA Brief Statement of Faith, which is a very rich and theologically relevant document for our church. Last but not least, the class looked at the commitments and vows of being a member. While I plan to write more about the nature of church membership in next week’s blog, I want to share with you today a bit about the people who will be joining our church this coming Sunday:

Dr. Pierre Tang is, of course, our fantastic Director of Music. But did you know that Pierre is also an Assistant Professor of Music and Director of Instrumental Ensembles at Pepperdine University? Originally from Hong Kong, Pierre loves Cantonese worship songs and Japanese pop songs in addition to classical music!

Rev. Dr. Mel Knight is a retired Presbyterian minister who has two grown children and resides in Topanga. His previous church was St. Peter’s By-the-Sea in Palos Verdes.

Londy Chavez works as Mel’s caretaker who has been accompanying him to church on Sundays. In attending the new member class with Mel last week, she too felt the call to join! Londy is originally from Guatemala and is the proud mother of four children, ranging in age from 13 to 21.

Becky Voelker is a retired realtor who comes to us from Calvary Church here in the Palisades. Becky has two grown children and likes reading, sailing, and singing. She enjoys the Pali Pres choir and being in a faith community with people her age.

Katie, William and Meredith Brown began attending Pali Pres shortly after VBS, where Meredith was a youth helper.  Residents of Baldwin Hills, the Browns are thrilled to have found Pali Pres and look forward to getting to know our church better.

Let’s keep the soon-to-be new members our prayers and offer them a warm Pali Pres welcome!

Pastor Matt